Note: Persons (institutions) who wish to register (collaborate) after the official data displayed, are invited to contact the organizers.
DEADLINES extended:
– CD*: 25.08.2014
– Printed version**: 15.09.2014.
* - CD-ROM (Electronic Conference Proceedings): ISSN 2067-8622, ISSN-L = 2067-8614
** - Printed Conference Proceedings: ISSN 2067-8614, ISSN-L = 2067-8614
Participants who want special presentations of their works (Plenary Lecture, Key Note) will mention it in a e-mail sent to the address, together with the Registration form.
Only registered papers will be scheduled for presentation and will be included in the proceedings of the conference on CD-ROM.
The Abstracts shall be written in English (the abstract shall not exceed 200 words, drawn up in Word, Times New Roman, 10), before 15.07.2014
The participants in the conference are asked to send the paper title and abstract to the following address:
Those who receive confirmation of acceptance are asked to complete the Registration form and to send it to the address until 10.08.2014.